Unique & Whimsical Creations for All Occasions !

Chicks on a Swing Wreath


This wreath is made of twisted white wood and is 16 inches around. It is exquisitely hand-detailed with beautiful blue and organza ribbons and blue and pink gemstones. The two trapezes in the center are handmade and decorated in pearls and tiny matching gemstones. A yellow fluffy chick sits and swings on each trapeze. At the bottom center of this creation sits a nest full of baby chicks. The nest is detailed with pearls and matching blue and pink gems. Below the nest, a hand-made pink bow centers the wreath and is trimmed with gems to match the rest of the detail. The sides of the wreath are decorated with miniature colored eggs that are also detailed with stones. This top of the wreath is set with a pearl hanger and centered with blue and pink gems. Pink and white miniature pearls wrap around the wreath's ribbon, adding colorful detail to this unique piece. The wreath can be stored and reused yearly to add to your Easter decorations!


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