Zodiac Birthday glasses can be ordered in three styles.
Each comes with a tea light candle and can be lit from inside.
The Zodiac Signs are each matched to the color for the month. If a different color scheme is desired it can be customized at no extra cost.
Zodiac Signs listed are matched to their primary color. Secondary colors may be used to accessorize the piece.
Zodiac Signs/Colors
Aires -Ram- March 21- April 19 Red
Taurus -Bull- April 20 - May 20 Green
Gemini -Twins- May 21 - June 20 Yellow/White
Cancer - Crab- June 21 - July 22 White/Silver
Leo -Lion- July 23 - August 22- Orange/Yellow
Virgo -Virgin- Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Blue/Silvery White
Libra -Balence/Scales- Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 Pink
Scorpio -Scorpion- Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Black/Grey
Sagittarius -Archer- Nov.22 - Dec. 21 Orange/Yellow/Purple
Capricorn -Goat- Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Brown/Ochre/Grey
Aquarius -Water Bearer- Jan.20 - Feb. 18 Blue/Green
Pisces -Fish- Feb. 19 - March 20 Deep Blue/Aquamarine
Each glass is adorned with a silver metal representation of the character associated with the sign as listed above. All glasses come custom gift-wrapped.
Order Forms are found on our Zodiac Birthday Glasses Order Form Page.